7 Things That Make an Escape Room Fun

Published by and copyright, Bryan Sloan @ Legacy Escape Box

1.      Discovery / Finding Things.

When I walk into an escape room, I see a blank canvas. I want to find things! I want to look behind the picture frame and inside the desk drawer. I want to physically find things that can help me and my team.

2.      Variety of Puzzles

I want to see a variety of puzzles. If I see only one type of puzzle, that might exclude some people. When an escape room has a variety of puzzles, it means more engagement with people. I want my mind to be stretched in multiple ways. Also, with a variety of puzzles, it ensures that everyone can get involved. We are all built differently, and we are all good at different things – including types of puzzles.

3.      Teamwork

I love working together. Accomplishing something together as a team is worthy of a celebration. Working together as a team in difficult circumstances to find clues and solves abstract puzzles WITH A TIME LIMIT is even better!

4.      Aha Moment – Not being given the answers

I want to be given a chance to find how I can solve the puzzle. If the moderator sees us sit and think for a second and gives us the answer, I feel like I’ve been robbed of that “aha moment” when everything comes together. If I can be given an adequate amount of time to look at the puzzle from different angles and my teammates can help me, we can figure it out, and we want to figure it out.

5.      Opening Locks and Boxes

There is a huge satisfaction of physically opening a locked box. Finding the right lock combination or finding the key is amazing. Hearing the magic click when you open the box and not knowing what is in there is a little bit like Christmas. Sometimes it’s the big golden piece you need, and sometimes it’s more puzzles. Opening that box is incredible.

6.      Completing the Mission

I want to win! I know that when I set out for the escape room, it isn’t always going to be easy. I want to know my mission, and I want to complete it. There is a huge amount of satisfaction when we win the escape room. We know we worked for it. There are too many participation trophies being handed out today, so earning something that was difficult is worth it. An escape room is a journey in itself, so being there and then finishing is the reward.

7.      Rehash Time / Unpacking the Experience Conversation.

After we finish the escape room, the rehash is lovely. We all want to sit and talk about what we just did! What did we do best, what were the epic moments, where did we get lost, what could we have done better? Remember that time when we couldn’t find that one piece, and it was right under our noses? Remember when we finally put the clues together and solved the huge riddle? It’s an awesome conversation, and it’s what makes memories.


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